Wednesday, September 2, 2009


My Minima design: (sorry about the colours..they changed when i uploaded the images..)

My idea was based on using minimal space and relating to the site. I came up with an idea to have everything coming from one unit. The shower is on the left hand side, and the toilet slides out into the toilet space. The bed pulls down over the kitchen bench and pushes back up when you want to use the kitchen. The right hand side of the bench is also used for a study desk and a dining table for one person, with the chair pulling out below it.

The main unit then detaches from the floor section (which houses waste and grey water), the roof section (hot and cold water storage, solar power batteries) and the front, and side walls, for ease of relocation. The front panel has a deck that folds down, and solar panels that fold up which also provide shade. The front wall faces aboutwards towards the bay. The side panels have windows and the back of the main unit has frosted glass for privacy.

Something I need to note for presentations: show bigger concept images, especially sections!!

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