Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sangath 3 - Conclusion

Sangath 3 would request to be assessed as a group for blogging.
Our posts can be identified by our Team Sangath 3 Banner.
Our team consists of: Nick Walters, Ross Del Gallo, Jacqui Zammit and Aaron Cody.

Conclusion on teamwork in SRD264 this semester:
To begin with we were already friends and had a good basis on which to build a team. Being all from Geelong, it seemed efficient and we had some existing idea of how each other functioned as designers.

There was a lot of this. We are all very strong headed with our own individualist ideas. However, debate was key to the success of our team. Over time we developed the ability to interact more smoothly and productively thanks to the previous storming.
It is clear to all members, the benefit of teamwork in creating a synergistic empowered design.

We would have been unable to create such an interesting and elegant design without the input of all team members, as working as individuals, each of our designs would have been a great step away form our eventual final product. Through collaboration and much debate we were able to extract the good parts from our individual ideas and comprise them into a refined idea.

Overall as a team we are pleased with the outcomes of our blood (and there was blood), sweat and tears…. And love (there was more love than blood)

As Oscar Wilde once said “Teamwork is like a supercharged automobile, it gets you places faster, yet you can be sure to crash spectacularly every now and then."

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