Monday, August 17, 2009

Site Choice

Sangath 4
Site Choice

Jim Jim falls, kakadu Jim Jim Falls is a 200 m (660 ft) high waterfall located in the kakadu national park. It attracts tourist whether the falls are raging with water.
In the 'dry', when access is possible via a 60 km dirt road (the last 11 km are really suitable for 4WD only), the water dries up and the falls often don't fall. In the 'wet' when the falls are at their most spectacular, it is impossible to drive any vehicle into the area. Photographs of the falls at their most dramatic were taken by people who entered the area by light plane or helicopter.

Nourlangie Rock is a spectacular area featuring magnificent Aboriginal Art sites along with walking tracks, billabongs and lookout areas.

Decision: Nourlangie Rock
Reason: Road availability & Shading from the rock

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